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Relationship / Career / Family / Money​ / Balance / Health & Body / Communication​

Guidance, help and healing is provided for any situation in your life.  During a reading the channelled spirit guides (usually the much loved Cynthia with the East Indian accent) communicate with the spirit guides who walk with the person who is having the reading, because our own spirit guides walk with us from the time of our conception, they know everything about us - it is their function to provide help and healing and guidance in any way they can.  This guidance from our own spirit guides usually takes the form of intuition or dreams but during a reading they will bring messages directly to you through channelled communication via the spirit medium (Theresa).



Because your own guides know you so well, there is no situation that they cannot provide help and guidance for and while they always begin a reading by telling you what is most important for you to know at that time, pin-pointing the areas of difficulty and struggle in your life - there is also the opportunity to ask questions later in the reading.



All private readings are recorded and a link to the audio recording is sent via email to the individual afterward because so much information comes through and it helps to be able to listen to the words of wisdom a few times after the reading.

Private Life Guidance

Talks and Discussions

Seminars, Workshops and Retreats

The guides do regular talks and workshops covering various topics of interest to individuals, groups and business and will cover specific topics if requested.  They are interested in helping anyone who is interested in listening to their guidance for any aspect of life whether it be personal, emotional, business or any other aspect of life.  


The guide have done talks focussing on specific businesses and providing loving, gentle guidance for companies and their staff to help them go forward and grow stronger and better relationships both within the company and with customers or clients.



For more information about scheduled talks and workshops, please see our Events page.


If you would like to have a specific event schedule for a group - kind send us an email and we will get back to you.

​© 2014 by Theresa Walstra (Spirit Medium).

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We work with individuals and groups from all walks of life and backgrounds and beliefs.  All can come for advice and guidance.

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