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Gentle Guidance from Spirit Guides
(The words below are all channelled from spirit guides through the mediumship of Theresa Walstra)

Changing Times


Everything in your world is based on time – even your mother-earth revolved around the seasons in your world. While you live a material life, as spirit that has clothed itself with a material body, you would do well and improve your life vastly if you allowed your own life to change with the seasons too.

But there are more than merely seasonal changes in your world. Every now and then, a shift occurs that allows everything within your world to change. This type of shift is taking place right now within your world. Not only did some ancients who once live on the earth-plane prophesy about this (such as those who you call Mayan) but your mother-earth has been giving you notice of this change for some years.


Mother-earth is an ancient sprit and has lived in physical form far longer than you live in the material world. She is a spirit of great power and knows how to tap into universal energies to empower herself and those who live upon her surface and inside her.

For some years now, your mother-earth has been changing to allow for these changing energies. You are able to notice these great changes with the things you see as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and the like.  


If mother-earth is making changes, it is an indication that all who have material form and associate in any way with mother-earth, should make changes also.  Right now, in your world, is the best time to make radical change and everything that you would now want to discard should be discarded; and everything that you would want to begin again should begin now. Those who hold onto any form of negativity now, will find that they are ‘anchored’ to these obstacles and will find them, in time to come, extremely difficult to let go of. Those who have learned the lessons that have come to them while on the earth-plane up until this point and have willingly put these obstacles behind them, taking with them only the wisdom learned as a result – will find that their lives are now changing into something far more beautiful in almost every aspect. Use this time now to alter the energies that surround you, so that you can emerge into the beautiful butterfly you are mean to be – flying above those who remain earth-bound like caterpillars.

Accepting Love



Your world is a world of learning in mainly two areas: physical/material and emotional.  While many think that the material planes (such are your earth plane) are opportunities to learn great spiritual lessons, we would dispute that. You would better understand this when you consider that each plane (and there are many) is geared towards those aspects which are most prominent. So, for instance, the spirit world is about learning about spiritual lessons, while the material world is about learning things of a more material nature. 



None can say that any of these lessons can be considered more or less important or of a higher significance or level of learning than any other. When a spirit applies and is chosen to live a life in a material plane, that spirit (like you) takes on that existence in order to learn the lesson of that plane. So if you realize that there is neither the physical nor the emotional in the spirit world (though some may choose to allow the emotional aspects to be drawn with them into the spirit plane), then you will more easily see what lessons need to be learned. Some in your world choose to forgo the life of marriage or relationships and intimacy, thinking that it is better to learn spiritual lessons – but consider that they are now choosing to try to learn the lessons of another realm while in your realm. It would be like moving from your country to a second country and while in the second country trying to learn the language of a third country from those amongst whom you are living. So a lesson common to all in your world is the lesson of learning to accept love. Babies and young children in your world acknowledge this fact and it is only as individuals grow older and the rules of society begin to distort the lesson of accepting love, that so many individuals begin to consider themselves unworthy of love. In that way it becomes easier to give love and the lesson of accepting love then needs to be learned from the memory of earthly experiences once individual spirits return to the spirit world. Once again, this lesson is made all the harder because the necessary ‘tools’ of emotion do not exist within the spirit world – it is like learning to swim when you are never in water.



So we urge you to recognize the importance of accepting love and do not leave this vital lesson of your material plane world to be learned by looking back and remembering what it felt like once you have returned to the spirit world.

​© 2014 by Theresa Walstra (Spirit Medium).

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